23 min read



Your brain has scanned through all the 1000+ different parameters that you constructed in an intricate matrix that can influence and forecast the outcome of your ambitious business plan. But you simply can't jump to the next act. Sound familiar?

Ironically I have decided to write about analysis paralysis as I have immediately suffered it myself while preparing for this blog post. They say to share what you have learned and stay three steps ahead. Therefore, here are my key solutions to this daunting condition that visits me occasionally.

State of Over-Analysis

Too much of anything is unhealthy, even toxic. Analysis paralysis refers to a situation where an individual becomes so caught up in examining and evaluating various data and options that they are unable to make a decision or take action. Are you excessively involved in dissecting data and situations? Hoarding endless references, options, and case studies?

It derives from a fear of making mistakes, a desire for perfection (check out our previous article on: PERFECTIONISM & PROCRASTINATION – twin traps of productivity and how to stop both), or being overwhelmed by an abundance of information. This state of over-analysis hinders productivity and builds frustration over time. You are working so much but don't see results?!

Fail Forward

Those who are excelling around you are most likely people who are obsessed with improving their craft or their products far more frequently than you are. They have failed far more often than you have, to be where they stand now– in front of the game. It is rare that they have ridden through the blows of life purely reliant on some level of natural superiority, talent, or genetic lottery.

Fear of failure is an underlying trap that triggers the need for over-analysis. It stems from a fear of making errors, causing individuals to become embroiled in a cycle of perpetual information gathering and evaluation.

Fail forward– do not be afraid of multiple failures just make sure to keep failing forward towards progress whether it is refining your product, improving your pitch, or upgrading your business. With every failure, think of it as evolving one step closer to success.

Just Do It – NIKE

Forget waiting for inspiration and motivation to magically land in front of your laptop. In a perfect sequential world, one would wait for inspiration to kick off your motivational agenda which leads to methodical action. This clean linear three-step sequence of events can dangerously block taking action if the right inspiration does not arrive and if there is a lack of motivation. Let's call it– action congestion. Honestly, thoughts do matter but in the end, actions speak the loudest especially when it comes down to business. So we must find a way to act.

Do something. Do something small but meaningful. Don't let time merely waste away. Since it is a small and quick action, the stakes are low and even if you fail, it won't hurt so much. This little initiative will activate a flow of new ideas, new ambitions, and new problems to solve. Primarily, it serves to break the cycle of inertia that can often accompany periods of over-analysis or indecision. It fosters momentum and motivation, which leads to increased productivity and a proactive approach to problem-solving. Moreover, taking action, even in a small way, can provide valuable insights and learning experiences, helping to refine strategies and approaches as one progresses.

Calculated Risk

One word of advice frequently recommended to investors is to take calculated risks– a balanced blend of analysis and action. If you are stuck in analysis paralysis, your focus is fully occupied with the calculated half of the advice. Days, weeks, and years are spent calculating scenarios that never happen because you forgot to take action. Don't forget the other half called, risk! Risk-taking is the action that makes all the difference. Decisions should be made based on well-evaluated data and insights, while also leaving room for the unknown and adaptability.

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