27 min read



Have you ever felt like you're stuck in a rut, watching days blend into each other, with your dreams seeming just out of reach?
What if the key to unlocking all those dreams and goals isn't found in the hustle and grind, but within the power of your own mind, or more specifically, the power of visualization?

Buddha wisely said, "The mind is everything, what you think you become." Think of it as an architect drawing a blueprint before the actual building takes shape. And you're the architect here. In this video, I'll show you what Tony Robbins, Richard Branson, Grant Cardone, Daymond John, Conor McGregor, Serena Williams, Sarah Blakely, Deepak Chopra, Beyonce, and Oprah Winfrey all have in common and how I changed my life using their secret technique.

1. Writing to Thinking to Visioning

The imagination is the most marvelous, miraculous, inconceivably powerful force the world has ever known. – Napoleon Hill

best known for his book, Think and Grow Rich. Now the imagination is the mental faculty out of which visions arise. Most people don't use their imagination constructively. Most people use their imagination destructively. They imagine what they don't want. We've got to consciously and deliberately imagine what we do want. It's a potent tool that can transform the landscape of your life in incredible ways.

Sit down, take a pen and ask yourself, "What do I really want? What do I want to learn? Where to I want to go? What do you want to create?" and write it down on a piece of paper or ideally in a journal. Don't take too long but jot down in a list form of everything that comes to mind and don't be shy to acknowledge materialistic goals– like a giant home and a fancy car, whatever works for you. The action of writing these down is already a first step towards manifestation. And make the written list in the present tense. I am an author of a book, for example. As if you're already living it. You write that down. This is important and I'm gonna tell you why.

So the second step is to break this list of dreams down into 3 different timelines– 10 year, 5 year, and 1 year lists are the most ideal breakdown. Now looking at your 1 year list, sort their importance to you so that there is no more than 5 distinct dreams.

You can also use the 5Bs for True Wealth– which are the 5 foundations of life– Beliefs, Body, Bonds, Brain and Business, as a guide to get started for this exercise.

One of my goals for this year is to get into the best shape of my life by working out and eating only 3 times a day, which means no snacking on junk food in between. Why? Because of various reasons– to improve my appearance, so losing my little belly, to improve my overall health since now I have a son, and to increase my energy level for focused productivity. I am also a morning person but I struggle to keep a regular sleep schedule so it is also a goal for me, to go to bed early, get my 7 and a half hrs of sleep, and get up at 4am to start my day. My level of clarity and focus is unbelieveably high very early in the morning when the world is still sleeping– well especially with our new baby sleeping quietly, I can really deep dive into complex work.

Writing causes thinking. Thinking creates an image.
As you get these images going, you're building a vision in your mind. It's the visionaries that's changed the world. Think of that. And everything starts with a vision. Vision is going to direct your life if you let it. Use it constructively.

You are today where your thoughts have brought you. You will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you. – James Allen

Successful people use the power of visualization. Their formula to wealth is short and simple: visualize and materialize. It is a power that eliminates ineffective habits, attracts an abundance of money, finds the love of your life, and gears you towards happiness and prosperity.

Van Gogh was asked how he did such beautiful work. He said,

First I dream my painting, and then I paint my dream. – Vincent van Gogh

Later, we are going to explore how you can apply the power of visualization to be your secret weapon to breaking free and stepping into a life where dreams don't just stay dreams.

2. The Power of Visualization

Humans are visual beings and we process visual information 60,000 times (!) faster than text. 90% of information transmitted to our brain is visual. To put an image of your dream house with the exact windows, the color of the bricks, and garden is far more effective and precise for the brain to capture than to have the long description written word for word.

The secret to a successful visualization is to “fuel” your image with all your five senses– to make sure your image comes to life. Be specific about what you want in life. The stronger the feelings, or the sensation of your visualization– the stronger your belief to achieve it. Successful visualization is to have the end goal in mind; you should visualize the goal, whether it is short-term or a lifelong target. Picture the goal in as many details as possible.

Visualization is about seeing the life you want, down to the tiniest detail. Research shows that our brain basically sees no difference between the thought of an action and real action. When you perform an action, new neural pathways are being stimulated and produced in your brain. The same physiological reactions happen in the brain, when you simply visualize yourself in that action.

So what does that mean? Your mind does not know the difference. It only knows what you tell your mind. It is suprisingly as simple as that. Your mind is incredibly powerful in shaping your reality. It's like a faithful servant. It listens to what you feed it through your thoughts, and then works tirelessly to make that your reality. When you visualize, you're giving instructions to your mind.

If you consistently visualize a future goal, the newly established neural pathways build deliberate behaviors, aptitudes that will assist your performance to make that vision more achievable. That is where the the magic lies– it means your brain has developed the paths to make it easier and faster for you to achieve your goals through visualization.

To attain big goals in life, you will most likely have to learn or do something new- which you have never done before. Trying something new creates a natural stress response to your body. But since you have consistently looked at images related to your target and visualized this future state, your brain is no longer afraid because it already looks and feels familiar.

So basically when you are facing this new challenge, your brain is saying to you, "Hey, no worries don't freak out. I got this, I know exactly how it goes."

Your brain no longer sees the challenge as an additional stress factor, which gives you a higher chance to succeed.

It's Simple to Make Your Vision Board

Now let's master the power of visualization by creating a simple vision board.
You can choose to create a physical or digital vision board, but I recommend a digital version which is easy to create with an app like Canva, GoogleDoc or even PowerPoint works. Find and download images from Pinterest or Google that resonate with you. The images you use should clearly reflect your goal or future vision. You can also include images that reflect the intermediary steps required to realize your ultimate vision. Like, starting your own Instagram channel to build a community, then making product landing pages before reaching 10,000 sales with your online business.

Typically, vision boards look very similar to a collage, but the magic happens when you look at it every day. Use it as your desktop background or hang it on your (home) office wall. It needs to be in a prominent place where you will see it every single day.

I have it printed and framed next to the bathroom mirror, so I look at it every time I brush my teeth. My wife has hers also printed and hanging next to mine. It's great for the relationship to see each other's dreams and goals too. I can see where we are aligned and where I can support her separately.

3. Repetition is Key

Visualization is a deliberate action– in contrast to occasional daydreaming. Your unconscious mind accepts the thoughts that you repeatedly practice, and over time, it will accept them by changing your mindset accordingly.

But it's not just about seeing it. It's about feeling it, believing it. Let these images fill your mind and feel the emotions they bring. When you visualize, you're not just watching a scene. You're in it. Keep revisiting it. Repeat at least 30 days consecutively. Give your brain the time to get the hang of it and remodel your future.

I'm telling you, if you do this for 30 days, every single day, you look at your vision board that you created before you go to bed and when you wake up, 100% you'll see things materialize.

Success doesn't come from what you do occasionally, but what you do consistently.
Daymond John

Your brain starts to think, "Hey, this feels real." And that's where the magic begins.
You’re developing new brain circuits which will bring you into contact with new people and opportunities. The first change you will see is your focused, positive outlook. Don't forget to always update a vision board as you make progress towards your goals. Document the date when you have created each vision board to keep track of your evolution over time.


Once your vision is clear, you only have to do the right tasks to get there. If you want to see the fast and easy system I use– to efficiently get stuff done, check out this video: The 4 Magical Apps That Changed My Life.

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