25 min read

HOW TO WIN IN 2024 – & why most choose a job they hate

HOW TO WIN IN 2024 – & why most choose a job they hate

Are you ready to break free from the 9 to 5 trap and embrace a world of limitless opportunities? Today, we're deep diving into the Future of Work in the Digital Renaissance. Let's explore what the changing landscape means for you.

In this era of boundless creativity and innovation, almost anyone can become a creator, a builder, an entrepreneur. We're in a Digital Renaissance– where possibilities are endless and the future of work is yours to shape.

It's digital, decentralized, and driven by creativity. It's time to break free from the 9 to 5 trap.

Imagine a world with 7 billion companies, 7 billion creators.
As Naval Ravikant wisely says, "There are 7 billion people on the planet. There are 7 billion different versions of 'success.' Every one of us can have our own business; that’s the beauty of the internet."

Evolution is about solving problems with technology.
That's what we do as humans and makes us different from the other animals in the jungle.
Technology and the internet are how you build a solution that leads to personal and collective progress.

Digital Renaissance

First let's discuss the concept of the Digital Renaissance.
The digital renaissance I want to talk about, refers to a rapid reshaping of industries, communication and the way we live and work.
Due to the widespread adoption and integration of AI, social media, digital educational platforms, traditional institutions and business models are disrupted by new forms of entrepreneurship, new digital economies, and new learning tools.
These things will massively increase entrepreneurship, wealth creation, and the potential for individuals to pursue their own paths.

Collaboration between AI and Humans

The future of work will involve increased collaboration between humans and machines. Our use of ChatGPT from OpenAI is already a clear example.
Jobs will be redesigned to leverage the strengths of both– some will become irrelevant which is unfortunate, but let's say– a natural part of evolution...
Nobody can say for sure how everything will play out but AI and humans will be for sure working together on creative and complex problem-solving. Use AI to augment and expdedite your creativity.

Ever-growing New Digital Economy

We are in a time where the Creator Economy or new digital economy is proliferating.
As long as you are creating value for others, in the new digital economy you can build a business as a creator. It's all about creating value that resonates with you, sharing that with others and making money from it.

This is not a time for specialists with lots of certificates–though I have also been-there-and-done-that. Certifications are necessary especially for the 9 to 5 rat race to delegate responsibilities and free the boss from liabilities.

The highest paid individuals are and will be those who use the creative ability of their mind and leverage technology to solve problems that bring progress to humanity.
Remember, if you're not selling your product, you're selling someone else's– which means you are building someone else's dream, not your own, day after day after day.


Social media isn't just for scrolling through memes. It's reshaping our culture, economy, and how we learn. Social media is a key player in the decentralization of media and education. Today, every is a journalist and their own New York Times on social media.
Decentralization is also seen in economic terms using blockchain technology– distributing power, authority, and accessibility to people all over the world. Check out our Obsidian Public Vault here to read more about it, where we share with you what we know for free.

Self Education

So, how do you begin in this new economy? It starts with self-education.
"The future belongs to those who learn more skills and combine them in creative ways" by Robert Greene.
Learn to code– or ask ChatGPT for help with coding, create content, market digitally. More importantly learn to incorporate AI for these skills. Learn skills where you can leverage– skills which don't need other people or money to build products and distribute through the web. These skills are your keys to freedom.
Self-education and skill acquisition is a necessity for creating a life of sovereignty– to live life on your own terms. "Learning one new idea won’t make you a genius but committing to lifelong learning can be transformative." from Atomic Habits by James Clear.

Sign up to our newsletter below to get my full list of: Skills Not Taught at Traditional Universities (that you need for the Digital Renaissance).

The 9 to 5 Trap vs. Entrepreneurship

Many of us have grown up believing that a 9-to-5 job is the ultimate goal. But is it really the path to fulfillment?

You see, traditional employment often leads to a cycle of endless responsibilities. It's about mortgages, family, and being chained to a pay check, without truly growing personally.

But here's what happens - we get comfortable. We stop challenging ourselves, and life becomes a mundane, repetition. This, my friends, is the 9 to 5 trap.
Imagine being like an out-grown monkey trapped in a small cubicle where it can't move. You're not exploring, not growing. That's no way to live!

Now, let's talk entrepreneurship. It's not just about business. It's about embracing uncertainty, much like venturing through a jungle, but also freedom. Entrepreneurship is a journey of constant learning and adaptation.

As an entrepreneur, every day is different. You face challenges, experience growth, and evolve continuously.
The path isn't always linear.
But it's a journey worth taking.

What people don't realize is that there is a way to achieve impossible ideas and goals.
You just need to create a path that allows you to actualize that reality.
You must laser in on a specific vision for the future and acquire the skill and knowledge that will actualize each ascending goal that completes that vision.

You can't just sit around and think of it.
You don't know what you want in your life if you just haven't pursued anything.
You can't just sit around and do what society has been telling you to do.
You have to explore your curiosity to be able to actually figure out what you want.

We tend to forget that the time we have on earth is fairly short and worth the fight to live life on our own terms.

Don't work your best years in life trapped building someone else's dream, so that you can retire at the end of your life– passing out on cheap booze at an all-inclusive 10 day senior citizen group tour to Mallorca.

Are you ready to take the leap? I started One-to-One Coaching Sessions for those of you who want to go deeper in the topics we discuss here or for people who struggle with implementing the stuff I show also on our YouTube Channel. Sign up for a call with me.

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